Congratulation! Co-publish an article in Nature (New)

Author:管理员    Publish Time:2022/8/2 0:00:00

Publishedin Nature "Brain Charts for the Human Lifespan" (Bethlehem, et al.,2022) in cooperation with Dr. Alexander-Bloch's team. In this work, the authorcollected the largest neuroimaging data set ever-123,984 MRI data from 101,454subjects, and established an open brain morphology research platform BrainChart( based on MRI data. Using BrainChart, the authormapped the development track of brain morphology covering the whole life cycleof human beings, determined new milestones of neurodevelopment, and provided astandardized measurement model of abnormal brain structure, which can be usedto reveal neuroanatomical variations of nervous and mental diseases. BrainCharthas established the standard track of the lifelong development of human brainmorphology, and established a benchmark for the measurement of individualdifferences in brain morphology at different ages.