Professor Qiu Jiang was rated as the Top Scholar in Psychology (New)

Author:管理员    Publish Time:2022/8/3 0:00:00

The Global Scholar Database website( published the list of the top 100,000scientists in the world. The list is based on the massive literature data ofbillions of global scholars, using powerful AI information processing and datamining technology, according to the scoring rules and methods of scientific andtechnological literature quality evaluation and scoring, and obtained aftercentralized processing and calculation of scholars' literature in alldisciplines around the world. A list of the world's top 100,000 scientists. Theresults are comprehensively considered according to the scientific researchoutput of scholars, Google Scholar Metrics journal scores, H index, citationsof the results, and the ranking position of the authors in the results. A highaverage score indicates that scholars are more likely to publish in high-quality journals, while a comprehensive score takes more account of thescholar’s output.

The list aims to help global scholars,especially Chinese scholars, get to know experts and leading figures in variousdisciplines, and track the research frontiers in disciplines. A total of 11,642people from China were shortlisted, second only to the United States (38,449people). Among them, there are 819 experts with a global ranking of less than10,000. There are 40 finalists from Southwest University.