On August 25,2017, Prof. Shi Gu from School of Computer Science and Engineering, Universityof Electronic Science and Technology of China visited the faculty of psychologyof Southwest University,and made a scholar reports titled ‘Control Theoretic Analysis of Human BrainNetworks’.
Prof. Gu andProf. Qiu have indepth communication in analysis of Brain Networks. In the nearfuture, the two sides willcarry out substantive cooperation.
Shi Gu is Professor of School of Computer Science andEngineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. He didpostdoctoral research at the Satterthwaite Neuroimaging Lab and the ComplexSystem Group at the University of Pennsylvania. He obtained bachelor’s degreein mathematics and physics at Tsinghua University, then performed PhD researchin network neuroscience advised by Dr. Danielle S. Bassett and Dr. James Gee atthe University of Pennsylvania. As part of his work there, he used networkcontrol theory to understand brain structural brain networks and the firstpaper in the series was published in Nature Communications. Furthermore, Shi led collaborative work exploring the evolution of functional brainnetworks in adolescence (using data from the PNC), which was published in PNAS.